
July 2020
Vol 5, Issue 49
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    • SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence among parturient women in Philadelphia

      Over six percent of parturient women in Philadelphia (4 April–3 June 2020) had serological evidence of exposure to SARS-CoV-2.

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      Answers are starting to emerge about target antigens and cytokine profiles of CD4 and CD8 subsets responding to SARS-CoV-2.

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      Profound plasmablast expansion, innate cell modulation, and T cell activation are defining features of severe COVID-19.

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    • Shed it, and help—LAG3 cleavage drives conventional CD4+ T cells to overcome resistance to PD-1 immunotherapy

      LAG3 cleavage from conventional CD4+ T cells, but not CD8+ T cells, is required for effective PD-1 blockade (see the related Research Article by Andrews 极光加速官网.).

    • Human effector T cells express TOX—Not so “TOX”ic after all

      TOX expression is not restricted to exhausted T cells but is a characteristic of all human effector CD8+ T cells (see the related Research Article by Sekine et al.).

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      Signaling by the B cell–activating receptor TACI drives T cell–independent IgA responses to gut commensal bacteria.

    • Immunophenotyping of COVID-19 and influenza highlights the role of type I interferons in development of severe COVID-19

      Single-cell RNA sequencing of blood immune cells reveals type I interferon–associated hyper-inflammation in severe COVID-19.

    • Absence of mucosal-associated invariant T cells in a person with a homozygous point mutation in MR1

      A rare human allele renders MR1 unable to present microbially derived antigen, resulting in a selective loss of MAIT cells.

    • TH17 cells require ongoing classic IL-6 receptor signaling to retain transcriptional and functional identity

      Ongoing classic IL-6 receptor signaling is required to maintain the TH17 program, acting upstream of IL-23 to sustain RORγt expression.

    • Resistance to PD1 blockade in the absence of metalloprotease-mediated LAG3 shedding

      LAG3 shedding from conventional CD4+ T cells drives responsiveness to anti-PD1 immunotherapy (see the related Focus by Seidel and Bengsch).

    • The cytoskeletal regulator HEM1 governs B cell development and prevents autoimmunity

      HEM1 deficiency causes heritable autoimmunity and immunodeficiency.

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      The transcription factor TOX is not exclusively linked to T cell exhaustion (see the related Focus by Utzschneider and Kallies).

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      A human monoclonal antibody shows potential to prevent or treat acute flaccid myelitis associated with enterovirus D68 infection.

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    • Human inborn errors of immunity: An expanding universe

      This Review summarizes recent advances in the molecular, cellular, and clinical characterization of human inborn errors of immunity.

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    • Finding Camel-ot: A Holy Grail against pandemic SARS-CoV-2?

      Engineered camelid antibody multimers can potently block SARS-CoV-2 viral entry.

    • Let’s talk about sex

      Complement gene variation drives sex biases in autoimmune disease.

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ONLINE COVER Frozen Footprints of Antibody Fabs. This month's cover features a 3D reconstruction of the capsid surface of human enterovirus D68 (EV-D68), a virus linked to an emerging polio-like illness called acute flaccid myelitis (AFM). The blue and gold patches represent the distinct binding sites on the icosahedral capsid (colored in cyan) occupied by two neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies to EV-D68 identified by Vogt 极光加速器安卓. The image was generated by cryo–electron microscopy of immune complexes formed by mixing virions with a 200-fold molar excess of antibody Fab fragments. The antibody depicted in blue is a potential therapeutic agent in human AFM based on its broad reactivity with EV-D68 clades and its ability to protect mice in a model of EV-D68–induced neurologic disease. [CREDIT: KARA JIANING FU/PURDUE UNIVERSITY]